Bi-Manual Toys

We approached the Bi-Manual Cerebral Palsy toys below from the perspective of either something we could use to encourage the use of our daughters affected hand or arm by herself or with help, or atleast hold one part of the toy in the affected hand.

Initially we focused on toys that could be held or pulled apart easily while holding in her affected hand either by herself by pushing the item in (large lid crayons for example) or with us helping to put part of the toy in her hand, while she gained some fine motor function. That then moved to her independently picking up toys to then do the bi-manual part.

A number of the toys shown here can also be adapted to single hand use with assistance from a parent to hold part of the toy that needs a second hand while they grab the other part, placing items in the affected hand to help with grasp, or only using part of the toy depending on the goal.

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