Learning Resources Snap-n-Learn Counting Sheep

The Learning Resources Snap-n-Learn Counting Sheep is an educational toy designed for young children to learn basic counting and color recognition skills. The toy includes 10 sheep figurines with different color fleece, which can be snapped together and pulled apart. Each sheep has a number from 1 to 10 printed on its fleece, along with the corresponding number of dots on the body. It is recommended for children aged 2 and up.

How WE used it/What we liked

The “fleece” is fairly easy to take off these if you can get the other hand out of the way. We used to either help place it in her hand, or get our daughter to reach for the head on these to hold with her hemi hand, and take the fleece off with her other hand. Depending on function, you could also get the affected hand to try and remove the fleece. The ears give some resistance which is helpful to avoid the sheep pulling straight out. Our go to was pulling off the fleece, placing down, and then matching them back up after.


Additional information

Single or Bi-Manual (both)

Activity Type

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