Learning Resources Huey the Fine Motor Hippo

Learning Resources Huey the Fine Motor Hippo is a fun and educational toy designed to promote fine motor skill development in young children. Huey the Hippo features a variety of engaging activities that help strengthen hand muscles, improve hand-eye coordination, and promote dexterity. With its colorful and textured manipulative features, Huey the Fine Motor Hippo provides a playful and interactive way for young children to develop their fine motor skills while having fun.

Recommended for ages 18 months and up.

How WE used it/What we liked

Huey is a great little toy and a newer addition to our collection. The birds are a good size for kids with some fine motor skill to open their hands up to grab them out. They add a little challenge of putting them back with a specific shape to line up before they drop, and the birds also spin on those based so you could practice some wrist work with twisting type action. We get our daughter to either pull them out directly, or hold them and get her to reach and try to aim to line it up to put it in place.

Look out for

The slots in the hippo are a little tricky so require a bit more concentration and fine motor to line them up properly – we will usually help by spinning the bottom part of the bird that rotates to help line it up, or you could get the child to use their non-affected side to rotate that base themselves.

Additional information

Single or Bi-Manual (both)


Activity Type

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