Cerebral Palsy Toys Amazon

This whole site is largely dedicated to listing Cerebral Palsy toys on Amazon that we have purchased over time as part of the rehabilitation process of our daugther with Cerebral Palsy, and it is an AMAZING source to search for suitable toys. It can however be quite overwhelming at first, and one of the main goals of this site is to help narrow down the search for toys that might be suitable based off of our experience.

We of course have our main Cerebral Palsy Toys page which provides an extensive list of toys we’ve used and ways to use them to help make therapy fun and enjoyable, whilst working toward your goals, but we’ve also included some popular options below.

One thing to note when shopping for Cerebral Palsy Toys on Amazon, is there can be some large price fluctuations depending on when you are shopping, the availability and age of the toy, or possibly discontinuation/replacement of the product. If the price seems expensive definitely shop around, or search on the site further to see if you can find any other options or similar items. Our process also involves buying items that seem reputable and where possible, have a decent number of positive reviews.

We’ve included a handful of products below, but also some of our go to brands at the start as we’ve found that if a brand has a toy that’s suitable, they’ll often have a variety of toys that can be used for the purposes of cerebral palsy rehab/play. Search our site for Learning Resources, Melissa & Doug, Orchard Toys to view some great options.

There really is a huge amount of options of Cerebral Palsy toy options on Amazon – jump on, browse around and see what you find that you think may suit your goals and needs.