Amazon is an amazing resource for finding Cerebral Palsy toys, and this whole site is largely dedicated to listing Cerebral Palsy toys on Amazon that we have purchased over time as part of the rehabilitation process of our daugther.
Category: Cerebral Palsy Toy Lists
Amazon is an amazing resource for finding Cerebral Palsy toys, and this whole site is largely dedicated to listing Cerebral Palsy toys on Amazon that we have purchased over time as part of the rehabilitation process of our daugther. Read More
Kids Cerebral Palsy Pencil Grip
We’ve found over time with our daughter that lids of markers, or textas depending on where you come from, have always been a struggle due to the limited fine motor use of her affected arm. Whether it was impacting her with either a tight fist, or more recently, tight arm postures further up causing her hand to be open more with less grip function, we wanted to encourage her to have as much independence with art and craft, which she loves.
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Our Must Have Cerebral Palsy Toys
We’ve got a site that has an expanding number of great Cerebral Palsy toys which are all fantastic in their own way, but when you don’t want to spend alot (it can add up!) or find all the room to store them, it makes sense to trim down the selection and work out what are the “must have” toys to add to your collection.
Our Favourite Gross Motor Cerebral Palsy Toys
The toys that are suitable for your child will depend on lots of variables, but we generally focused on younger/baby toys initially as our daughter was still young (13 months or so), and they were generally bright and fun to help get her attention and entertain her.